How to Memorise Quotes

Writing an English essay for an unseen prompt can be REALLY hard. Especially if you need to remember a bunch of different quotes for all the possible prompts! Today I’m sharing three ways that you can try to remember quotes more efficiently so that you can blitz your English exam or assessment…

  1. Act (or draw) it out!
    Linking movement to words can be a great method for memorisation, and images can be really helpful too. Moving around while reading aloud your quotes is particularly helpful for plays or poems as the language can be really descriptive. Similarly, you can associate a certain finger (or other body part) to each word in a quote like this; thumb: TO, index: BE, middle: OR, ring: NOT, pinky: TO, hand: BE (and so on, do you get the gist?). However, if you’re less of a kinaesthetic learner and more visual, consider drawing out quotes or even just writing them out with nice fonts and different colours.
  2. Stick it on the wall.
    If you’re a visual learner, writing your quotes on sticky notes with lots of different colours and images can be a great way to memorise quotes. What’s even better is to put these up where you’ll see them. You can put them in the bathroom (for when you’re brushing your teeth) or in the kitchen (for when you’re eating breakfast). The possibilities are endless!
  3. Say them aloud in different accents or voices.
    I can’t confirm if this is just a mind trick or it actually works, but this is a funny idea for learners who like listening to information.

I hope you find all my tips helpful! I found some of them on this site which has heaps of tips for school. Enjoy!

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