Should you go on exchange?

Hi everyone! This year, I participated in a study trip to France in which I stayed at my French correspondent’s house for two weeks to practise my language skills and learn about a different culture. The experience was amazing and I would highly recommend it to ANYONE. Before going, though, I wasn’t sure if I was interested or not and was searching heaps of questions online. Hopefully this can help you decide on whether or not you should go!


  • Your listening and reading comprehension capabilities will skyrocket and you will also have heaps of chances to practise your language skills by speaking to the family.
    Don’t be afraid to make mistakes as your host family will be the most supportive and helpful people with language learning.
  • You will build strong relationships across the globe that you can count on in the future.
    You don’t need to become lifelong friends to be able to maintain in contact over the years.
  • Your independence and confidence will improve.
    Before leaving for the trip, I was too embarrassed to order food but now I have no problem speaking to anyone I don’t know as I had to do it so frequently in France!
  • Your motivation to learn the language will be fresh.
    You will have gathered heaps of resources like songs, websites and YouTube channels, inspiring you to love the language and culture there.


  • Your correspondent’s friends will be unsure of how to act with you.
    It was really awkward with them as they didn’t know how much French I knew and weren’t sure if I could understand them or not. I highly recommend just introducing yourself to their friends and asking them simple questions so they will feel comfortable talking to you.
  • The host family you stay with may have different customs to you and will do some things differently.
    Their way of doing things will not necessarily be right or wrong but you will need to adapt a little to what they do and how they do it. For me, this mainly had to do with bedtimes and meals.

I hope this short list helps you with your decision as choosing to go to France opened my eyes to so many things and improved me heaps! Even if you decide not to go, good luck on your language-learning journey!